Thursday, September 8, 2011

little girl in a red coat

I don’t write about the war or the holocaust but this one I cant resist. Read this extract from a polish book

"When I came to Plaszow the first day, they put me in a group where we were digging a huge grave .. They brought in trucks, with children, from infant to twelve years old. They were all killed.. When the children were brought in, they were shot, right in that grave ..

One group was bringing, with a wheelbarrow, some chlorine powder and putting on, because there was such a tremendous amount of bodies in those graves..

A little girl, a beautiful blond girl, sat down in the grave, dressed in an Eskimo white fur coat, was all bloody, and asked for a little bit of water .. This child swallowed so much blood, because it was shot in the neck. And then it started to vomit so terribly. And then it lay down and it says, "Mother, turn me around, turn me around.”..

This child did not know what happened to it. It was shot, it was half-dead after it was shot. And this child sat down in the grave, among all the corpses, and asked for water.. it was still alive. There was no mother, just children brought from the Cracow ghetto.

So this little girl lay down, and asked to be turned around. What happened to it? I do not know. It was probably covered alive, with chlorine.. I am sure, because they did not give another shot to that girl.."

Most of you might not get this, but this is about the people in concentration camps during the holocaust. One of the survivors has written this in his memoirs. Just like in my favorite movie Schiendler's list it reminds me of dat one scene that is so mesmerizing that it takes your breath away. Primarily shot in black n white the movie has only this is color when a little blonde girl is walking along with thousands to move to a ghetto after the nazis have ordered Jews to evacuate the city. So little she doesn’t understand anything but probably thinks this is what the world is coz she has not seen anything else. she is just walking not realizing anything, doesn’t know where she is going she is just following people so innocent yet holding her beloved red coat close to her chest. She walks and the lead actor of the movie sees her and realizes how wrong is everything if a child is subjected to witness something of such magnitude. And he breaks down. After some time in the movie another shot comes where there is a cart with bodies piled up on it and the same little girl is lying on the side still holding her red coat dear. The scene has no dialogue but it breaks your spirit and the way its shot tells the genius of Spielberg.

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